Submitting Your Marketing Mailing List
The following mailing list formats are accepted and must include a data layout showing the field names:
Excel - Must provide column headers
Comma Delimited
The following outlines the list formatting guidelines that are required.
All fields must be limited to a maximum of 50 characters.
Separate Columns
Many direct mail lists are submitted without using separate columns for each category (Company, Name, Address, City, State and Zip) With the software that we use, it is necessary for each category to be separated into its own column, although the First Name and Last Name fields can be combined into one single column. If your mailing list is not submitted in this format, we will not be able to match up the data with the appropriate field and your list will be returned for clarification, which may delay your direct mail printing job.Column Names
While we understand the need to use distinctive headings and column names, using recognizable column titles on the direct mail list you submit to us will make it easier to match up the necessary fields during the mapping process, ensuring there are no errors. We suggest using our mailing list template or using the suggested column titles as shown below in Figure A:Company First Name *
Last Name *
Address #1 (Street Address)
Address #2 (Apt/Suite/Floor)
Zip Cod
* The First Name and Last Name fields can be combined into one single column.

Figure A
Multiple Worksheets
If the spreadsheet you are submitting has multiple worksheets, you should make sure that all mailing information appears on one worksheet and that all blank worksheets are removed from the spreadsheet.Number of Columns
The maximum number of lines that can be printed on each mailing label is seven (7). If your mailing list has too many fields to conform to this guideline, the order will be delayed.Using Figure A from above as an example your label would appear like the following:
ABC Company
John Doe
123 Main Street; 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02210
In this example you would have two more lines available for other information.
Address/Quantity Discrepancies
If your mailing list contains fewer names than the quantity ordered, the system will use only the deliverable addresses. For any remaining pieces, you will be prompted during the ordering process to ship the remainders back to you via Fedex Ground or discard them.If your mailing list contains fewer names than the quantity ordered, the system will simply use all of the deliverable addresses. You will still be prompted during the order process to either ship the remainders back via Fedex Ground or discard them.
Foreign Records does mail to countries outside of the United States. All foreign mailings must be sent using the First Class postage rate and for sizes of 5" x 7" or greater an envelope must also be used, which does carry an additional cost based upon quantity and size ordered.Please note that we cannot scrub foreign address mailing lists so they are mailed out exactly as they appear on the mailing list provided.